In drawing process, material passed through drawing lines. Thus, material cross section is made to be narrowed and bright surface, precise diameter tolerance are obtained.
Drawn bar and coil formed raw material are hot rolled steel. In order to remove scale and rust on the material surface (mechanical cleaning), sanding process is performed prior to cold drawing.
In Hasparlak Cold Finishing Center, drawing process can be performed as,
- From bar to bar
- From coil to bar
- From coil to coil.
*Cross sections of drawn products are usually round, but square and hexagonal cross sections can also be drawn.
In cold drawing lines, manufacturing of alloyed steels such as;
- Carbon steels
- Transmission bars
- Free cutting steels (with Pb and without Pb)
- Structural steels
- Case Hardening steels
- Heat treatable steels is also being carried out.